Message from Chairman
With the Global change in the world economy, China with the One Belt One Road initiative has set a target to become one of the world’s biggest cross-border investors by the end of this decade, with global offshore assets tripling from US$6.4 trillion in 2016 to nearly US$20 trillion by 2020. While much of the total will be in the form of foreign exchange reserves and portfolio investment, a growing share will come from direct Chinese investment in developed western countries, according to a joint report by the economic research firm Rhodium Group and the Berlin-based Mercator Institute for China Studies.
One Belt, One Road ("OBOR") is an initiative pursued by the Chinese government to encourage Chinese firms to look abroad in search of new markets and investments opportunities. Support comes from the highest levels of government, which has backed the policy with substantial firepower including a US$50 billion fund, and Chinese President Xi Jinping has made the policy a centerpiece of both his foreign policy and domestic economic strategy.
OBOR stretches geographically to cover many countries of diversified backgrounds. An OBOR Project could be independently stand-alone projects, but OBOR idea would serve the best to all stakeholders if they are linked together effectively by experienced project coordinator/strategist.
Our main expertise is in complex integrated EPC, Energy, Natural Resources and Infrastructure projects with multiple moving components and various functioning partners, special joint ventures of Government to Government and Business to Government, where we bring the experienced capacity of initiating the projects and see its completion via the full process of preliminary planning and design, building the financial and integration models, financial engineering to ensure funding of equity and finance.
We are experienced in dealing with participants of different cultures, diversified talents and top-notch management. We would continue to provide support in post-completion management.
We are a strategist. We look at every project as unique and we weft and warp all the essential elements in a project to its completion and implementation.
With Compliments,
Kui Shing Lai, Andy